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"Sanja Stojanović"
Analysis of the effect of the antidepressant sertraline on the length of QT interval in patients with depression and alcohol dependence (2019)
S. Stojanović-Vukadinović S, Z. Stojanović, G. Macanović, N. Banjac, Ž. Erić, Analysis of the effect of the antidepressant sertraline on the length of QT interval in patients with depression and alcohol dependence, Sanamed, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 45 - 52, 2019 -
: Компјутеризована томографија абдомена и карлице (2016)
С. Стојановић, S. Vujnović, : Компјутеризована томографија абдомена и карлице, Медицински факултет Нови Сад, 2016